Feb 29Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

Hello, my name is Emily! I write about Slow & Gentle Living. I love your quote 'Natural Living in a modern world' - I love that so much! I a so happy to be here and absolutely agree, the cup is always half full !

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Hi Emily! Oh, thank you so much for introducing yourself and the kind words. ☺️I hope you enjoy the blog and I look forward to reading your work!💖

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Hello again, just following up that I finally subscribed to your Stack and am so glad I did! It's lovely! Perhaps we could collaborate at some point?

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Jul 4Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

I am so glad you did! I would love that! Do let me know if you have a particular idea and we can see where we can come together!

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Yes, I do have an idea! I send you a message ☺️

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Mar 1Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

Hi Chesica! I’m Kelsey. I also have a background in animal behavior, psychology and life coaching. I went on a detour and have my masters in marine biology, then came back to coaching. I’m also a huge nutrition nerd. I write at Find Your Awesome with Kelsey Abbott where I use Human Design and coaching to help people remember who they really are and live their best lives ever. And I started a brand new second substack two days ago (Find Your Awesome Sauce) to share gluten free plant-based recipes and other silliness. I’m so excited to discover your substack!

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Hi Kelsey! Thanks for your comment! So neat that we have these things in common - and I love your choice of blog name! I’ll be heading over to check it out! ☺️

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Mar 1Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

What a great introduction, and how lovely to find out more about you. Also, I've just remembered I owe you an email don't I.

I'll get my thinking cap on this weekend and get back to you asap, I promise xx

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Hi Louise! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment 🥰 No rush - I look forward to your email!

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HII I'm megg its so nice to meet you I too love nature - so hard I decided to move to the middle of nearly nowhere in the mountains with my family. we love it its a dream come true looking fowrard to reading more of what you create

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Hi Megg, it’s really nice of you to subscribe and comment! 🥰May I ask which mountain range you’re in? It really does sound like a dream come true ☺️ Looking forward to reading your work!

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