“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

- Eden Phillpotts

Cup Half Full is a newsletter & online community where slow living and natural health meet… I call it: ✨Slow Health

…and, I even created a mini-guide on it to help you get started!

Check it out in my Etsy shop! Annual paid subscribers receive a FREE copy!

What will you find here?

A mix of nature’s wisdom, modern science, positivity, stories, and a pinch of fun!

I share my journey as as a doctor, expat, and crunchy mom, along with research and real-world advice on creating more joy, mindfulness, & connection to the natural world.

Finding calm amidst the chaos isn’t easy, but it is WORTH IT!

An accurate representation of my own wellness journey. 2024

A sampling of recent posts:

Moving to Europe wasn’t the answer

How to Increase Your Energy (answered here & here)

Mindfulness in Motherhood (discussed here & here)

How to Enjoy a Walking for Health (see post)

Health Benefits of creative journaling (see post)

Who am I?

I’m Chesica! I’m a crunchy (health-conscious) mom from the wilds of the Pacific Northwest (now based in Germany), a doctor specialising in preventative health with a master’s degree in nutrition & functional medicine. My background is in life coaching, human and equine psychology and while I occasionally still do a little horse whispering, my passion is making wellness simple and showing everyone the benefits of living in connection with nature.

If you want to learn more about me, check out my Introduction post or reach out in the comments! I’m excited to support & inspire you in curating a wholesome lifestyle!

May your cup always be (at least) half full. ☕️❤️

Why subscribe?

Subscribing keeps you up to date as every new edition of the newsletter, events, & Q+As, and will go directly to your inbox. I promise NOT to spam you and depending on your subscription level, I will provide 1-3 thoughtful letters per month. Subscribing is also a way connect with a community of like-minded folks in the comments and chat area.

Most of my work here is FREE but I would be very grateful if you choose to support by:

  • Leaving feedback/comments

  • Sharing or reposting/re-stacking

  • Following on Instagram & YouTube

  • Becoming a paid or founding subscriber

For the price of a matcha latte (my fav!) 🍵, you can access premium benefits!

Paid (premium) subscribers get access to special content, courses + workshops, additional resources, and can submit questions for monthly Q+As. Founding members additionally receive a posted thank you and a 1:1 chat with me.

🌟NEW: All subscribers will now receive a free gift: My 28 Days of Slow Living - one month of ideas, prompts, and exercises.

Good to know:

If you can’t find the newsletter, check your ⚠️ spam folder or promotions tab. Please mark this address as ‘not spam.’

Cup Half Full now has sustainable “wears” and an Etsy shop!


Let’s chat

Substack dm

Email: Chesica.CupHalfFull@gmail.com

Instagram: @The.Cup.Half.Full


  1. The information provided on Cup Half Full is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not take the place of medical advice from your care provider. Please consult a qualified health care professional for your health concerns.

  2. Sometimes, I will provide links for items which I personally have found useful and am a participant in affiliate programs (of which I believe in and have personally tried the product!). I may earn from qualifying purchases - at no extra cost to you. Look for my discount codes in the Resources tab.Your purchases help support my work and my tea habit...(which in turn fuels my efforts to make great content for you!😉🍵)💖

Subscribe to Cup Half Full

Slow Living + Natural Health: practical insights, science, & musings on making it all meaningful - from the messy desk of a doctor, expat, crunchy mom, and seeker of everyday magic.


Holistic doctor/crunchy mom. Fond of pie, paper art, & wild things. Obsessed with flowers. Scribbling about natural medicine, slow living, meaning, & motherhood.