This was so informative! Fast fashion gives me a lot of guilt, and this will be a helpful guide as I try to figure out what to wear instead! I’m a bit the opposite in that I don’t care much about fashion, so I end up buying cheap clothes just to get it over with!

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I'm so glad you found it helpful! Yes, there's certainly a spectrum of where we each fall in our level of concern or enjoyment regarding clothing. I'd love to know how it goes if you decide to implement any changes!

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I love this. For about 10 years now I’ve been a strictly natural fibre wearer, with the exception being a proper lightweight raincoat. It stops me buying too much because it’s so much harder to get natural fibres cheaply. I have however become a little too obsessed with Depop for refreshing my wardrobe. I love how many options there now are to trade clothes. It is still a weakness of mine to want more and more though. I’m constantly trying not keep my wardrobe minimal, but not always succeeding!

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Hi Tansie, (beautiful name btw!) Wow 10 years! That's great to hear and thank you for adding to the conversation, sharing your experience. I'll have to check out Depop!

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May 6Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

Chesica, this is a timely topic for me. For the past 20+ years I have paid almost no attention at all to my personal wardrobe because I wore a uniform for 10+ hours each day. Much of my closet still resembles the silliness I wore in my early 20s simply because I haven't given it any thought. Now that I am retiring from the Navy, I actually need to give some thought to what I am going to wear each day. Thanks for providing me some food for thought.

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Hi Matthew, I'm glad the post was helpful to you. Having to uniform certainly cuts down on the decision making but I hope you will find some enjoyment in developing your wardrobe. Congrats on retiring and thank you for your service!

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May 6Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

I have been astounded in recent years at the proliferation of synthetic fibers in ALL clothing, from high to low end. Spandex and polyester have become an industry standard in outdoor recreation gear as well as fashion jeans (and work jeans) and wedding gowns. Fragrance "boosters" are available (another thing to buy packaged in plastic) to deal with the odors that cling for life to synthetic fibers.

Maybe the increase in synthetics in clothes occurred because there was an excess of chemicals that had been used to manufacture items no longer in demand - plastic straws and grocery bags.

Thank you for the article Chesica. Clothes, like food, have lots of emotional connections.

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YES, I didn't even get into the odors/scent issue! Glad you mentioned it.

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May 6Liked by Dr. Chesica Jones

Sewing Studio (one woman show/biz in Oregon) has some great info on fabrics and their care.


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Oh 🤩 this is a great resource! Thanks!

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